Tractors: 1950s to modern, a pictorial collection

Tractors: 1950s to modern, a pictorial collection


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Australia has seen the importation of many tractor makes and models from manufacturers around the world, more particularly the USA and Europe. This has been brought about by economic circumstances which have made tractor manufacture in Australia difficult. This has not stopped the efforts of many in developing an “Australian” product. alt

Tribute must be paid to the likes of  Jelbart, McDonald, Howard, Ronaldson Bros and Tippert and of course Chamberlain. In later years we have seen the development of “big” tractors through names like James Nagorcka (Waltanna), Upton Brothers, Baldwin and Phillips (Acremaster) to name a few.


By the 1950s tractors were more powerful, more efficient, more manoeuvrable and more comfortable than ever before. From 1950 until now (2010) innovation and changing technologies have continued to improve this ultimate farm tool.
This book seeks to bring to the reader a pictorial account of just some of the myriad of tractors found in Australia. The information provided is brief and hopefully sufficient to highlight some of the characteristics of each tractor. It should be noted that  where manufacturers once released a single model for the purposes of marketing, in recent years they have released a series which may be similar in appearance and design yet have specific differences which are not always apparent to those of us who appreciate tractors but are not aware of professional and technical detail. An attempt has been made to acknowledge the series where possible.
